Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Theresa Schwarz
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Althanstrasse 14, 2E 359
A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43-1-4277-55061
email: theresa.schwarz@univie.ac.at
Theresa Schwarz, born in 1989 as Theresa Weigl-Pollack, started her PhD study at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry in 2013. She was employed as a university assistant from 2013 till 2017 at the same department. The focus of her PhD project was the development and synthesis of compounds which are similar to propafenone and fumitremorgin C to evaluate their potential as inhibitors for specific ABC transporters.
Before she started her PhD, she studied Technical Chemistry – Synthesis at the Vienna University of Technology and received her master's degree in 2013. For her diploma thesis, she developed synthetic methods to obtain mycotoxin conjugates which could be used as standards for analysis.
At the 25th of Oktober 2017 she defended her doctorial thesis entitled "From Propafenone to Fumitremorgin C – Probing Pgp/BCRP Inhibitor Selectivity" with distinction.