Dr. Mag. pharm. Doris Alexandra Schütz
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Althanstrasse 14, 2E 407
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Tel. +43-1-4277-55113email:

Doris Alexandra Schütz, born in 1981, studied pharmacy at the University of Vienna, receiving her master's degree in 2006.
For her diploma thesis, she was working at Boron Molecular, in Melbourne Australia, for a year.
Boron Molecular is a fine chemicals manufacturing company, where Doris was working in the R&D department under guidance of Dr. Sebastian Marcuccio.
Her master thesis "Application of Suzuki Coupling Reaction in Drug Synthesis" was written under supervision of Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Spreitzer at the "Department of Drug and Natural Product Synthesis", University of Vienna. After finishing her studies and the Aspirantenjahr, Doris was working in pharmacies until May 2013. That was when she started her PhD-studies in the group of Univ.- Prof. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Ecker.
Doris is working in the IMI project K4DD, mainly applying structural and statistical analysis to get more insight into structure kinetics relationships of small molecules on chosen targets. She is also carrying out molecular dynamics simulations for further understanding of kinetic processes.

At the 9th of February 2018 she defended her doctorial thesis entitled "Kinetics in drug discovery - improved molecular understanding how to influence kinetic behavior of drug-like molecules" with distinction.