emer. O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mag. pharm. Wilhelm Fleischhacker
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Althanstrasse 14, 2D 304
A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Tel. +43-1-4277-55104
email: wilhelm.fleischhacker@univie.ac.at

Wilhelm Fleischhacker (born 1931 in Vienna) was "Ordinarius for Pharmaceutical Chemistry" from 1982 to 1999.

He studied pharmacy at the University of Vienna and received his first graduation "Magister der Pharmazie" in 1952. Susequently, he continued his studies under the supervision of Prof. Franz Vieböck focusing on morphine and its derivatives and obtained his second graduation "Doktor der Philosphie" in 1962. Then he was very successfully researching in the field of morphine chemistry and  achieved the "Lecturship for Pharmaceutical Chemistry" in 1971.

His teaching activities started with lectures in analytical chemistry in 1964, but his special merit was the intellectual creation and  preservation of his typical main lecture in Pharmceutical Chemisty, which he delivered from 1971 till 2012.

His academic career succeded at the University of Vienna with the appointment as "Extraordinarius for Pharmaceutical Chemistry" in 1977 and as "Ordinarius for Pharmaceutical Chemistry" in 1982.

From 1991 till 1999 he was the "Dean of the Faculty of Natural sciences" and gained special merits on renewal, reorganisation and promotion of the whole faculty.

In 1999 he has been retired as "professor emeritus" but is still an active member at the "Faculty Center of Pharmacy" till now.

In 2014 he received during the academic celebration "100 Jahre Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Chemie an der Universität Wien"  the "Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der Universität Wien"  for his special merits concernig the prosperity of the whole university by rector Heinz Engl.

At the 19th of July 2024 he decised (OBITUARY / NACHRUF in German) peaceful in the cirlce of his family.