HPLC became undoubtedly one of the most important analytical method for identification and quantification of pharmaceutical relevant substances during the process of their discovery, development and manufacturing.
Furthermore, preparative HPLC is nowadays used to separate and refine high-purity target compounds from mixures obtained after synthetic reactions or after extraction from natural resources.
Ultimately, HPLC proved to be the best methods for the separation and analysis of enatiomers, either by chiral stationary phases or by chiral additives in the mobile phase or indirect after derivatization of samples with chiral reagents.
For this purpose we can offer the following facilities to cooperation partners:
HPLC 2: (nickname "Verena")
The analytical LC-2010HT compact system is comprised of a degassing unit, low-pressure gradient unit,
pump unit, mixer, ultra fast autosampler, column oven, and a UV-VIS detector with a thermostatted flow cell.
HPLC 3: (nickname "Fifi")
Analytical and semipreparative HPLC-System consisting of the following components:
- 2x LC-20AD XR (solvent pump)
- 2x DGU-20A3R (degaser)
- SIL-20AC HT (autosampler)
- CTO-20AC (column oven)
- SPD-M20A (diodenarray detector)
- RF-20A XS (fluorescence detector)
- CBM-20A (communication bus module)
- FRC-10A (fraction collector)
Contact and Support:
Dr. Judith Wackerlig (Senior Scientist for analytical and preparative HPLC)